The European Parliament adopted a draft resolution drafted by the Development Committee on the draft Strategy Document 2007-2013 and draft Multiannual Indicative Programme 2007-2010 for Asia.
Parliament considers that the Commission exceeds its implementing powers laid down in the basic act by including in its Focal Sector 2 ('higher education and research institutes') – for which it earmarks about 15% of the funds in the Multiannual Indicative Programme – the following elements, which are not in compliance with Article 2(1) and (4) of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006, as the primary objective of these elements is not the eradication of poverty and they do not fulfil the criteria for ODA established by the OECD/DAC:
- in the area of 'higher education', one of the specific objectives is to 'promote better understanding of European higher education in Asian developing countries', and the proposed activities include: 'mobility schemes for students and for academics; networking and transfer of best practice between EU and Asian universities' and 'workshops, higher education fairs, stakeholders' meetings, promotional activities, production of working papers, supporting mutual recognition of qualifications, surveys'; there are no provisions to ensure that the fields of study eligible under the programme will be selected in the light of the development needs of the region, or that the selection of the beneficiaries of the programme will support the poorer strata of the population and not widen the gap between rich and poor, nor are there specific provisions to prevent a 'brain drain';
- in the area of 'support to research institutes', the stated objective is to 'enhance mutual understanding with a view to contributing to the development of the Asian region'; specific activities include: 'bringing together think-tanks and policy makers from both regions, broadening and intensifying the range of seminars and conferences'; the Commission states that for this purpose funds will be allocated to 'support the work of specialised institutes focusing on Asia-EU relations' and that activities will focus on strengthening research-related capacities, promoting public debate on EU-Asia relations and twinning between Asian and European institutes, think-tanks and similar circles'.
It is for this reason that Parliament invites the Commission to withdraw its draft decision establishing a Regional Strategy Document 2007-2013 and a Multiannual Indicative Programme for Asia, and submit to the DCI Management Committee a new draft decision fully respecting the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006.