Cereals: common organisation of the market CMO


PURPOSE: to amend Council Regulation (EC) 1784/2003 relating to the common orgaisation of the market in cereals with a view to the discontinuation of the use of intervention arrangements for maize.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation (EC) No 735/2007 of 11 June 2007 amending Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 on the common organisation of the market in cereals

CONTENT: the Council adopted a regulation introducing a ceiling on the quantities of maize eligible for intervention. Cyprus and Hungary abstained with Bulgaria, Denmark and Greece voting against.

The legal instrument for intervention is maintained pending the review of the functioning of the cereals common market organisation in the framework of the 2008 “health check” of the common agricultural policy (CMO).

The ceilings for Community intervention of maize are set as follows:

– 1.5 million tonnes for the 2007/2008 marketing year;

– 0.7 million tonnes for the 2008/02009 marketing year;

– 0 tonnes, as from the 2009/2010 marketing year.

The Commission issued a statement concerning the monitoring of the maize situation, the review of the cereals CMO and the possibility of increasing intervention quantities should market conditions require it. Poland also issued a statement.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 02/07/2007. The Regulation will be applicable from the 2007/2008 marketing year.