EC/Denmark/Greenland Fisheries Partnership Agreement. Protocol from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2012


PURPOSE : the conclusion of a Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community, the Government of Denmark and the Home Rule Government of Greenland.

LEGISLATIVE ACT : Council Regulation (EC) No 753/2007 of 28 June 2007 on the conclusion of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (“the Agreement”) between the European Community on the one hand, and the Government of Denmark and the Home Rule Government of Greenland, on the other hand.

CONTENT : This Regulation approves the FPA mentioned above for a period of six years. The Agreement is accompanied by a Protocol which sets out both the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution.

Main objectives: This Agreement establishes the principles, rules and procedures governing:

- economic, financial, technical and scientific cooperation in the fisheries sector with the purpose of ensuring that the exploitation of the fisheries resources provide sustainable economic and social conditions including the development of the Greenlandic fisheries sector,

- the conditions governing access by Community fishing vessels to the Greenlandic Exclusive Economic zone ("the Greenlandic EEZ"),

- the arrangements for regulating fisheries of Community vessels in the Greenlandic EEZ with a view to ensuring that the rules and conditions applicable to them are complied with, the measures for the conservation and management of fish stocks are effective and illegal, undeclared and unregulated fishing is prevented,

- partnerships between companies aimed at developing economic activities in the fisheries sector and related activities, in the common interest.

Principles and objectives underlying the implementation of the Agreement: both Parties agree to promote responsible fishing in the Greenlandic EEZ based on the principle of non-discrimination between the different fleets fishing in those waters.

Scientific co-operation: together, the Community and Greenland will monitor the evolution of resources in the Greenlandic EEZ. Scientific discussions will take place via the Joint Committee.

Access and  licences: Greenland will allow Community vessels access to its EEZ – on condition that they operate under licence issued in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the Protocol.

Financial contribution: the financial contribution of the Community is EUR 85 843 464. To this shall be added a financial reserve of EUR 9 240 000 out of which payment shall be made for additional quantities of cod and capelin.  The Community will pay the financial contribution in the form of an annual amount at the rate of EUR 14 307 244. As regards cod and capelin every year Greenland shall notify the Community authorities of any quantities of cod and capelin made available for catching beyond the amounts set out in the Annex. The Community will pay for those additional amounts 17.5 % of the first landing value at the rate of EUR 1800 per ton for cod and EUR 100 per ton for capelin, minus the fees paid by ship owners, up to a maximum of EUR 1 540 000 per year, to cover both species. Any part of this financial reserve not used in one year may be carried over to pay Greenland for additional quantities of cod and capelin made available for catching in the subsequent two years.

The minimum quantities for maintaining Greenlandic fishing activities are set, per year, as:

-                  Snowcrab: Western stock: 4 000;

-                  Cod: Western stock and Eastern stock: 30 000;

-                  Redfish: Western stock: 2 500; Eastern stock: 5 000;

-                  Greenland halibut: Western stock: 4 700; Eastern stock: 4 000; and

-                  Shrimp: Western stock: 25 000; Eastern stock: 1 5000.

The allocation and management of fishing opportunities including licences obtained under the Agreement will be conducted in accordance with Article 20 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002. In order to optimise the use of fishing opportunities under this Agreement, the Commission will be allowed to carry out reallocations of non-utilised fishing opportunities from one Member State to another during the annual fishing campaign under certain conditions and criteria and in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

ENTRY INTO FORCE : 07/07/2007.