Passenger transport by rail, road, inland waterway: competition, public service exigences and contracts (repeal. Regulations (EEC) No 1191/69 and (EEC) No 1107/70)


The Commission states that it can accept all the amendments adopted by the European Parliament at second reading. It recalls that the dossier has been the subject of interinstitutional negotiations which makes it possible to conclude it at second reading. The amendments adopted by the European Parliament concern technical clarifications and certain slightly more substantial aspects. The opportunities for subcontracting are regulated and limited, to ensure that, in any event, the contractor provides the majority of the transport services. The level of the thresholds for the direct award of transport contracts to small and medium-sized enterprises has been raised slightly from an annual value of EUR 1.7 million to EUR 2 million. Mechanisms which ensure that judicial remedy is possible have been introduced. Lastly, the amendments also reduce the period for entry into force and the transition period for the Regulation from 36 to 24 months and from 12 to 10 years respectively.