Strengthening the European neighbourhood policy



This Commission working document accompanies the Commission’s communication on strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This document reports on overall progress made on the implementation of the EU-Jordan Action Plan. As such, it concentrates primarily on the development of EU-Jordan bilateral relations and on issues involved in implementing the Action Plan. It aims to stimulate political dialogue and reform and facilitate Jordan’s sustainable economic development and social cohesion, as well as progressively increase its economic integration with the EU.

Jordan’s reform priorities are laid down in its National Agenda, a long term reform-oriented programme published in November 2005, complemented by the initiative "we are all Jordan" which aims to ensure wider support from the Jordanian population.

The Jordanian reform programme formed the basis of the ENP Action Plan through which the Commission supports the national efforts. Overall, Jordan has shown a real commitment to working towards a number of political and economic reforms. Results have been achieved in the fields of:

  • anti-corruption;
  • public finance management;
  • protection of human rights.

Others are currently debated, such as reform of the electoral system. In addition, Jordan decided to converge with relevant EU acquis on standards for industrial products, sanitary and phyto-sanitary matters.

The EU and Jordan have also increased co-operation on trade, with negotiations on liberalisation of trade in agriculture products (concluded) as well as on services (on-going).

However, more needs to be done in the next four years to translate commitments into concrete progress.