Specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil: mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fuels. "Fuel Quality Directive"


Following a Commission presentation on the proposed Directive to reduce air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from fuel use in transport and increasing the use of biofuels, the Council held a major policy debate on the way forward.

The debate sought to enable Ministers to express their views on the key elements of the proposal. It focused, in particular, on:

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fuels and setting a target figurefor the reduction of such emissions, and
  • provisions relating to inserting such a target in the fuel-quality Directive.

Delegations largely supported the setting of a target for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from fuels, subject to certain conditions. The conditions include, in particular, the need to establish sustainability criteria for biofuels, whilst at the same time recognising the need to set targets that are both realistic and viable.