Multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean


The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Iles BRAGHETTO (EPP-ED, IT) and made some amendments to the proposal for a Council regulation establishing a multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. It conformed to the opinion of its Fisheries Committee and opposed the minimum size derogations for bluefin tuna. The resolution was adopted by 480 votes for, 41 votes against and 17 abstentions.

The main amendments were as follows:

- a new article states that at least one month before the list of vessels and is sent to the Commission, the Member States shall submit electronically to the Commission a fisheries plan indicating the number of vessels and traps for which fishing licences are to be requested, accompanied by information concerning the expected fishing effort.

Each Member State shall ensure that the number of vessels and traps included in the fisheries plan is proportionate to the bluefin-tuna quota allocated to it;

- each Member State shall take the necessary action to ensure that its fattening and farming capacity is consistent with the bluefin-tuna TACs in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean;

- financial compensation from the European Fisheries Fund shall be paid to fishermen (both to crews and to shipowners) during the closed season, in accordance with the aims of the recovery plans referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002;

- Parliament deleted the derogation for a minimum size for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) of 8 kg to be applied to certain prescribed bluefin tuna;

- the number of vessels on the list shall reflect the terms and conditions and the calculation of the fishing effort referred to in the fisheries plan provided for in the text;

- the number of traps on the list shall reflect the terms and conditions and the calculation of the fishing effort referred to in the fisheries plan provided for in the text;

- the Commission shall ensure that bluefin tuna fishery operations are immediately shut down in those Member States which do not meet the deadline for supplying information referred to;

- on the basis of the catch data provided by the traps and as an important source of information for monitoring bluefin tuna, the Commission in conjunction with the ICCAT secretariat shall draw up a plan to reactivate traps in the Atlantic and to recover traps which are no longer active in the Mediterranean;

- Member States shall cooperate amongst themselves in order to harmonise their laws on implementation measures in respect of vessels flying their flag which are found to be in contravention of the requirements deriving from this Regulation.