The Committee on International Trade adopted a report
drafted by Helmuth MARKOV (GUE/NGL, DE) and made some amendments to the
proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on
Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries and
repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/95.
The principal amendments are as follows :
- a
detailed list of "specific goods and movements" requiring
specific provisions has been included in the scope of the regulation.
Updates to the list will be made through the regulatory procedure with
scrutiny. Data sources other than the customs declaration can be
used ;
- a
detailed list of "excluded goods and movements" has also been
included in the scope of the regulation. Measures to update the list may
be made through the regulatory procedure with scrutiny ;
- the wording on the comitology procedure has been
tightened up throughout the regulation, its scope limited and
definitions refined.