EC/Seychelles Fisheries Agreement: protocol for the period from 18 January 2005 to 17 January 2011, amendments


PURPOSE: to amend the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for by the Agreement between the EC and the Seychelles.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation (EC) No 480/2008 on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters on the amendments to the Protocol setting out, for the period from 18 January 2005 to 17 January 2011, the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for by the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Seychelles on fishing off Seychelles.

CONTENT: the Council adopted a regulation amending the protocol setting out, for the period from January 2005 to 17 January 2011, the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for by the fisheries agreement with the Seychelles (see CNS/2005/0173).

The amendments increase the reference tonnage of fishing vessels, taking account of the average level of catches over the past three years, introduce financial support for the partnership and increase the share paid by ship owners.

The main objective of the amendments made to the Protocol is to:

  • increase the reference tonnage from 55 000 tonnes to 63 000 tonnes to take account of the average level of catches over the past three years;
  • introduce the financial support for the partnership which was not introduced in the previous negotiations (prior to the Council Conclusions of July 2004 on Fisheries Partnership Agreements);
  • increase the share paid by ship owners from EUR 25 to EUR 35 per tonne to bring the Protocol into line with other tuna agreements, hence reducing the Community contribution from EUR 75 to EUR 65 per tonne;
  • fishing opportunities remain unchanged: 40 tuna seiners and 12 surface longliners;
  • the annual financial contribution increases from EUR 4 125 000 in the current Protocol to EUR 5 355 000 in the amended Protocol and the estimated fee payable by ship owners from EUR 1 375 000 to EUR 2 205 000;
  • advances and fees payable by ship owners: EUR 35 (compared with EUR 25 previously) per tonne of tuna. The advances are fixed at EUR 21 000 per year per tuna seiner, EUR 4 200 per year per surface longliner over 250 GT and EUR 3 150 per year per surface longliner of 250 GT or less.

The fishing opportunities set out in the Protocol and laid down in Regulation (EC) No 115/2006 are not amended and are confirmed as follows:

Tuna seiners:

  • Spain: 22 vessels
  • France: 17 vessels
  • Italy: 1 vessel

Surface longliners:

  • Spain: 2 vessels
  • France: 5 vessels
  • Portugal: 5 vessels

If licence applications from these Member States do not cover all the fishing opportunities laid down by the Protocol, the Commission may take into consideration licence applications from any other Member State.

The Member States whose vessels fish under this Agreement will notify the Commission of the quantities of each stock caught within the Seychelles fishing zone in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 500/2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 on the monitoring of catches taken by Community fishing vessels in third country waters and on the high seas.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 03/06/2008.