Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking


PURPOSE: to establish a Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) on 'Fuel Cells and Hydrogen' to stimulate an integrated research, technological development and demonstration effort in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies of sufficient critical mass to contribute significantly to European energy public policy objectives.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation (EC) No 521/2008 setting up the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

CONTENT: the Council adopted a regulation setting up a fuel cells and hydrogen joint technology initiative (JTI).

This JTI is aimed at coordinating research efforts by providing a framework encouraging European companies to collaborate between themselves, together with other stakeholders, within the fuel cells and hydrogen field.

Major specific objectives of the initiative include:

  • enabling market breakthrough of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies, thereby enabling commercial market forces to drive the substantial public benefits;
  • placing Europe at the forefront of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies worldwide;
  • reaching the critical mass of research effort to give confidence to industry, public and private investors, decision-makers and other stakeholders to embark on a long-term programme;
  • leveraging further industrial, national and regional investment in research and technological development.

This JTI is a research programme that aims to speed up the development of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies in Europe thereby enabling their commercialisation between 2010 and 2020. The EU will contribute EUR 470 million and the private sector is expected to raise a similar amount. The contribution shall be paid from the appropriations in the general budget of the European Union allocated to the "Energy", "Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies", "Environment (including Climate Change)", and "Transport (including Aeronautics)" themes of the Specific Programme "Cooperation" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme. For the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen is set up for a period up to 31 December 2017. The seat of the FCH Joint Undertaking shall be located in Brussels, Belgium.

Currently the fuel cell and hydrogen technologies are not commercially available and further research and technical development is needed before they can be taken into use.

JTIs were introduced in the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for research (2007-13) as a way of creating public-private partnerships in research at European level.

As regards reports, evaluation and discharge, the Commission shall present to the European Parliament and to the Council an annual report on the progress achieved by the FCH Joint Undertaking. This report shall contain details of implementation including number of proposals submitted, number of proposals selected for funding, type of participants, including SMEs, and country statistics.

By 30 May 2011, but in any case no later than 30 June 2011, as well as by 31 December 2013, the Commission shall conduct an interim evaluation of the FCH Joint Undertaking with the assistance of independent experts, on the basis of the terms of reference established after consultation of the FCH Joint Undertaking. These evaluations shall cover the quality and efficiency of the FCH Joint Undertaking and progress towards its objectives. The Commission shall communicate the conclusions thereof, accompanied by its observations and, where appropriate, proposals to amend this Regulation, including the possible early termination of the Joint Undertaking, to the European Parliament and to the Council.

No later than six months after the winding-up of the Joint Undertaking, the Commission shall conduct a final evaluation of the FCH Joint Undertaking with the assistance of independent experts. The results of the final evaluation shall be presented to the European Parliament and to the Council.

Discharge for the implementation of the budget of the FCH Joint Undertaking shall be given by the European Parliament, upon recommendation of the Council, in accordance with a procedure provided for by the financial rules of the FCH Joint Undertaking.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 15/06/2008.