Civil aviation: safety aspects of aerodromes, air traffic management and air navigation services


The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report drawn up by Marian-Jean MARINESCU (ALDE, RO) amending, under the first reading of the codecision procedure, the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 in the field of aerodromes, air traffic management and air navigation services and repealing Council Directive 2006/23/EC.

The main amendments are as follows:

Scope: aerodromes that are used mainly for recreational and sports flying should not be covered by this Regulation.

Definition: Members inserted a definition of “national supervisory authority”.

Opinions, certification specifications and guidance material: these provisions shall incorporate the provisions of the existing European and national laws or regulations, with appropriate adaptations and improvements where necessary. Furthermore, the timeframe for issuing these documents shall be consistent with the provisions of the text and ensure that there is a sufficient period for adaptation to the new regulatory framework.

The amendments aim to clarify the competencies of various institutions involved in the certification processes.

Qualified entities shall not issue certificates.

EASA: the EASA, as well as the national authorities, should be able to grant temporary exemptions, where local conditions impose such measures, especially in the field of aerodromes. It should only be responsible for the certification of foreign organisations that provide services within the EU.

Avoid duplication: the Commission can reach agreements on audits with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in order to avoid duplication by the Member States in monitoring compliance with Annex 14 of the Chicago Convention.

Stakeholders' Advisory Group: the Commission shall establish a Stakeholders' Advisory Group on Aviation Security, composed of European representative organisations engaged in, or directly affected by, aviation security. The role of this group shall be solely to advise the Commission on the matters referred to in Articles 8a, 8b and 8c (aerodromes, ATM/ANSS, and air traffic controllers).

Resources: a new recital states that the Agency should have sufficient resources for its new responsibilities, and the timing of the allocation of these resources should be based on a defined need and schedule for the adoption and the respective applicability of the related implementing rules.