The Commission accepted in full, in part or in principle 94 of the 123 amendments adopted by the European Parliament in its first reading. 37 amendments have now been incorporated, either verbatim or in spirit, in the common position.
The Commission accepted the amendments clarifying or improving the text, or introducing appropriate reference to the new rules of comitology. The Commission did not accept the amendments which changed the legal base of the proposal, which were superfluous, lacked clarity or introduced legal uncertainty, which created disproportionate administrative burden, or which were not consistent with the overall objective of the Directive.
The Council has agreed to incorporate the Parliamentary amendments relating in particular to the new rules of comitology, the addition of the promotion of alternatives in the subject matter of the Directive, the establishment of an internet portal by the Commission, the notion of further training, a maximum interval between inspection of equipment, the specification of the general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in annex.
The Commission considers that the common position does not alter significantly the approach or aims of the proposal and can thus support it as it stands.
A number of changes introduced by the Council help clarify the proposal. Although some amendments weaken the proposal, notably regarding the inspection of application equipment, the handling of request for derogations, the protection of the aquatic environment, the overall text remains acceptable. The Commission therefore accepts the common position.