Note: this summary provides a general overview of the main trends in terms of the Council’s expenditure for the financial year 2007. It does not cover the details of the implementation of the expenditure by the institution due to the unavailability of the relevant document.
However, it does cover the figures for the Council’s expenditure as presented in volume I of the consolidated annual accounts of the European Communities for the year 2007.
CONTENT: the summary of the consolidated annual accounts of the European Communities for the year 2007 show that the Council’s expenditure was as follows:
Commitment appropriations:
Payment appropriations:
Main axes of expenditure for 2007: the main administrative objectives of the General Secretariat of the Council (GSC) for 2007 were as follows:
In terms of staff, an overall increase in the establishment plan was needed to meet the challenges posed by enlargement, to take on new tasks and to convert certain temporary AST posts into permanent posts.
Note that in terms of translation units, the Council redefined its policy in order to significantly limit the large number of documents to be translated and to limit the overcapacity of its translation service. The General Secretariat of the Council also had to implement a range of new measures to ensure long-term management of human resources (including greater internal mobility) and improved interinstitutional cooperation.