This Commission staff working document accompanies the Commission’s Second Strategic Energy Review – an EU energy security and solidarity action plan.
The document states that Europe needs to act now to deliver sustainable, secure and competitive energy. The interrelated challenges of climate change, security of energy supply and competitiveness are multifaceted and require a profound change in the way Europe produces, delivers and consumes energy. Harnessing technology is vital to achieve the Energy Policy for Europe objectives adopted by the European Council on 9 March 2007.
It provides a comparative analysis of energy sources, production costs and performance of technologies for power generation, heating and transport for use in the Second Strategic EU Energy Review (SEER). It builds upon the work performed for the first Strategic EU Energy Review and relies on the capacity of SETIS, the information system of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The comparative Tables presented in the previous SEER exercise have been updated. The portfolio of technologies considered for the power sector has been also expanded to include carbon capture power plants, a large scale oil fired plant and an additional biomass conversion route.
In addition, two fuel price scenarios have been considered to reflect variations in the future price of energy commodities. All reported values in the Tables for electricity generation, heating and transport fuels have been calculated following a consistent methodology, hence they are directly comparable. The calculations rely on up-to-date available data and information on energy conversion technology performance.
This report consists of two parts.
· Part I includes the three Tables for use in the 2nd SEER.
· Part II provides a comprehensive description of the implemented methodology and includes the technology-related data used for the calculations, accompanied by a reference list.