EC/Korea agreement: cooperation on anti-competitive activities


The European Parliament adopted, by 536 votes to 10 with 39 abstentions, under the consultation procedure, a legislative resolution amending the proposal for a Council decision on concluding the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the European Community concerning cooperation on anti-competitive activities.

The report had been tabled for consideration in plenary by David MARTIN (PES, UK) on behalf of the Committee on International Trade.

Parliament added two new recitals as follows :

  • as mutual recognition of competition law between the European Community and South Korea is the most efficient way to tackle anti-competitive behaviour, the use of trade defence instruments (TDIs) between the two parties should be minimised;
  • this Agreement should be considered in the context of the overall framework of existing agreements between the European Community and the Republic of Korea and those currently under negotiation, in particular the negotiations concerning a potential free trade agreement.