Ecodesign requirements for energy-related products. Recast


In public deliberation, the Council worked out a general approach on a proposal to recast the ecodesign Directive.

The proposal is designed to extend the scope of Framework Directive 2005/32/EC to cover the eco-design of all energy-related products, making it possible to set harmonised eco-design requirements for such products in implementing measures. Such eco-design requirements are binding provisions, intended to ensure that products do not have harmful effects on the environment.

The Commission submitted this proposal to the Council in July 2008. The European Parliament should adopt its opinion at first reading in April 2009.

In addition, the Commission briefed the Council on the measures approved by the Ecodesign Regulatory Committee, set up by the Framework Directive, on standby or off mode losses, public and office lighting, simple set-top boxes for receiving digital television and low-voltage power supply. This Regulatory Committee approved measures concerning new energy standards for light bulbs for domestic use which provide for the gradual abolition of incandescent light bulbs.

In accordance with the EU's regulatory procedure with scrutiny, all these measures have been or will be submitted to the Council and the European Parliament for approval and will then be adopted by the Commission.