2007 discharge: European Training Foundation ETF


PURPOSE: to present the report of the Court of Auditors on the 2007 accounts of the European Training Foundation (ETF).

CONTENT: the Court of Auditor’s report includes a detailed section on the European Training Foundation’s expenditure and an analysis of the expenditure, as well as the Foundations’s replies.

  • Analysis of the accounts by the Court: in its report, the Court makes a number of observations, particularly with regard to the presentation of the budget. The budget incorporates the amount of assigned revenue (included in an amending budget). However, this amount is incorrect. It should have been EUR 1.2 million instead of the EUR 3.4 million shown, which erroneously included assigned revenue carried over from the previous year;
  • The Agency’s replies: the Foundation takes notes of the Court’s observation and states that, while at no stage was the principle of transparency disrespected, further efforts will be made to align ETF’s budget presentation practices with regulatory requirements.