The Commission accepted in full or in principle 24 of the 27 amendments adopted by the European Parliament in its first reading. These amendments reinforce the Comitology system or concern the terminology, the legal references and the intention (recitals) of the Commission proposal without changing the basic reform objectives. They constitute no major obstacle for the Commission.
As regards the three remaining amendments one is partly accepted by the Commission and the Council (on data exchange), another one is incorporated in the Common Position (on the deletion of collecting "import quotas"), but the 'Commission position on EP amendments at 1st reading' of 23 September 2008 recommended not to accept it. The third amendment (on the exclusion of collecting statistics if customs applies self assessment) is refused by both institutions: the Council and the Commission.
The changes introduced by the Council's Common Position are acceptable to the Commission, except the removal of "import quotas". The Commission supports the Common Position as it stands