The European Parliament adopted, by 598 votes to 21 with 32 abstentions, a resolution on the implementation of Directive 2002/14/EC Directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community.
The resolution recalls that there are 23 million undertakings with fewer than 250 employees (accounting for 99% of undertakings and employing over 100 million people) in the European Union. According to the Parliament, the EU institutions have a duty to guarantee and enhance the right of employees to be informed and consulted.
Gradual strengthening of the process of informing and consulting employees within the EU: acknowledging that the transposition of Directive 2002/14/EC has been significantly delayed in some Member States and that more time will therefore be needed for its evaluation, Parliament those Member States which have not yet correctly transposed Directive 2002/14/EC to do so as soon as possible.
Noting that some Member States, in their measures transposing Directive 2002/14/EC, have failed to take account of some young workers, women working part-time or workers employed for short periods on fixed-term contracts, Parliament urges the Member States to bring their provisions governing the calculation of workforce numbers into line with the spirit and the letter of the directive.
Member States are called upon to pay attention to a certain number of main elements of the Directive such as the conditions and restrictions concerning confidential information (Article 6 of the Directive). Parliament urges those Member States which do not have effective, proportional and dissuasive sanctions, which they can impose in the event of non-compliance with the rules governing the exercise of workers' information and consultation rights to introduce such sanctions. It calls on all Member States which do not possess a system for the protection of employees’ representatives to establish such a system.
Implementing and improving the measures transposing Directive 2002/14/EC: Parliament considers that a range of possible sanctions that Member States could take against employers who fail to comply with the right of employees to be informed and consulted.
Parliament considers that the transposition measures adopted by the Member States must:
Parliament calls for consideration to be given to the need to revise the workforce thresholds triggering the application of Directive 2002/14/EC so that only micro-undertakings are excluded from its scope.
According to the Parliament, other issues should be given special consideration at the time of transposition, such as the provisions and national practices concerning the calculation of workforce numbers and the safeguards to be applied in connection with the confidentiality clause.
The Parliament also invites the Commission to: