PURPOSE: facilitate the discussions on airport charges between airports and airlines.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Directive 2009/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on airport charges.
CONTENT: the Council adopted this Directive on airport charges, approving all amendments voted by the European Parliament at second reading.
This Directive sets common principles for the levying of airport charges at Community airports. It applies to any airport located in the EU and open to commercial traffic whose annual traffic is over 5 million passenger movements and to the airport with the highest passenger movement in each
Member State. Member States must publish a list of the airports on their territory to which the Directive applies.
The Directive aims to clarify the relationship between airport operators and airport users by requiring transparency, user consultation and the application of the principle of non-discrimination when calculating charges levied on users. In addition, it aims to create strong, independent national authorities in Member States to arbitrate and settle disputes, in order to reach a speedy resolution.
The Directive introduces some basic rules on the procedures for levying charges. These rules are based on generally accepted principles already endorsed by Member States in the council of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
The first principle aims at ensuring regular consultations between airports and airlines on charges in which both parties can explain and develop their views. The objective is to ensure that airports have consulted and informed airlines before deciding on airport charges.
The second principle concerns transparency on the elements that form the basis of airport charges. This information will be discussed in the regular consultations. Prohibition of discrimination between airlines is the third principle.
The Directive also suggests the establishment of an independent regulatory authority in each Member State. This authority shall oversee the levying of charges and ensure that the relevant provisions of the directive are complied with. The authority will consequently act upon complaints on airport charges from the parties.
Report and revision: the Commission will submit a report by 15/03/2013, assessing progress made in attaining its objective as well as, where appropriate, any suitable proposal.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 15/03/2009.
TRANSPOSITION: 15/03/2011.