The European Parliament adopted a decision concerning the discharge to be granted to the Director of the European Training Foundation in respect of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for the financial year 2007. The decision to grant discharge is also an approval of the closure of the accounts of this EU agency.
In parallel, the European Parliament adopted by 434 votes to 16, with 12 abstentions, a resolution with observations which are an integral part of the decision to grant discharge.
Parliament notes that in the amending budget, the amount of assigned revenue was stated in an incorrect way (it should have been EUR 1.2 million instead of the EUR 3.4 million shown, which included assigned revenue carried over from the previous year).
It also underlines that in the declaration of assurance (annexed to the annual activity report), the Director maintains reservations made last year concerning political uncertainty in partner countries, financial management of part of the Tempus convention and possible social, reputational, legal and financial implications of the repatriation of Tempus technical assistance from the Foundation. Parliament therefore calls on the Court of Auditors to examine and comment on the Director's reservations in the forthcoming audit report on the Foundation.
Lastly, noting that the Foundation’s annual accounts for the financial year 2007 are reliable, and the underlying transactions are legal and regular, the Parliament approves the closure of its accounts and refers, for other observations accompanying its decision on discharge, to its resolution on financial management and control of EU agencies - see 2008/2207(INI) - adopted in parallel.