2007 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency EMSA


The European Parliament adopted a decision concerning the discharge to be granted to the Director of the European Maritime Safety Agency in respect of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for the financial year 2007. The decision to grant discharge is also an approval of the closure of the accounts of this EU agency.

In parallel, the European Parliament adopted by 424 votes to 15, with 10 abstentions, a resolution with observations which are an integral part of the decision to grant discharge.

Parliament states that:

  • as in 2006, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) found that the Agency's procedures for establishing the budget were not sufficiently rigorous;
  • between mid-June and December 2007, EUR 25 million for anti-pollution measures, authorised by the Budgetary Authority as normal appropriations, were unduly moved to assigned revenue.

Moreover, Parliament calls on the Agency to step up its training and communication efforts. It requests that action taken in this respect be reported in the Agency's annual activity report for 2008.

Parliament also notes that the ECA found weaknesses with regard to recruitment procedures and note the Agency's replies on this issue. It calls on the Agency to see to it that its recruitment procedures are transparent and non-discriminatory.

Parliament welcomes the fact that the Agency closely cooperates with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, also based in Lisbon, in order to share buildings and make joint use of infrastructure and services.

Lastly, noting that the Agency’s annual accounts for the financial year 2007 are reliable, and the underlying transactions are legal and regular, the Parliament approves the closure of its accounts and refers, for other observations accompanying its decision on discharge, to its resolution on financial management and control of EU agencies - see 2008/2207(INI) - adopted in parallel.