Dangerous substances and preparations: restrictions on the marketing and use of dichloromethane


PURPOSE: to restrict the sale and use of paint strippers containing Dichloromethane.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision No 455/2009/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 76/769/EEC as regards restrictions on the marketing and use of dichloromethane.

CONTENT: following a first reading agreement between Parliament and Council, this Decision imposes a ban on the supply to consumers of paint strippers containing dichloromethane (DCM), which is commonly used for domestic purposes to remove paints, varnishes and lacquers. It also imposes restrictions better to control and reduce the risks involved in industrial and professional uses.

The risks posed to human health by dichloromethane (DCM) in paint strippers were assessed in several studies which concluded that risk reduction measures were required throughout the Community to reduce the risks posed to human health during the application of DCM at industrial, professional and consumer levels.

Accordingly, paint strippers containing dichloromethane in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight shall not be:

  • placed on the market for the first time for supply to the general public or to professionals after 6 December 2010;
  • placed on the market for supply to the general public or to professionals after 6 December 2011;
  • used by professionals after 6 June 2012.

However, by way of derogation, Member States may allow specifically trained professionals to use paint strippers containing dichloromethane and may allow the placing on the market of such paint strippers for supply to those professionals. Member States making use of this derogation must ensure that a professional holds a certificate demonstrating proper training and competence to use paint strippers containing dichloromethane safely. The Decision sets out the minimum criteria for appropriate training.

Paint strippers containing dichloromethane in concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight may be used in industrial installations only if as a minimum certain prescribed conditions are met. These include effective ventilation in all processing areas and personal protective equipment that complies with Directive 89/686/EEC.

The Decision modifies Council Directive 76/769/EEC on restrictions in the marketing of dangerous substances.

ENTRY INTO FORCE : 06/06/2009