present the Preliminary Draft Amending Budget No 6 to the Budget for 2009
(PDAB 6/2009).
CONTENT: the Preliminary
Draft Amending Budget No 6 to the Budget for 2009 covers:
- the revision
of the forecast of Traditional Own Resources (TOR, i.e. customs duties
and sugar levies), VAT and GNI bases,
- the
budgeting of the relevant UK corrections as well as their financing,
- the revision
of financing of GNI reductions in favour of the Netherlands and Sweden
in 2009, resulting in a change in the distribution between Member States
of their own resources contributions to the EU budget.
This PDB aims to amend the distribution
of total own resources payments between Member States, according to the
following breakdown:
- BE: EUR 4 936 282 512
- BG: EUR 412 250 295
- CZ: EUR 1 476 228 906
- DK: EUR 2 648 238 714
- DE: EUR 20 625 816 943
- EE: EUR 173 761 257
- IE: EUR 1 606 362 161
- EL: EUR 2 607 003 578
- ES: EUR 11 556 805 014
- FR: EUR 20 533 482 611
- IT: EUR 16 366 873 983
- CY: EUR 212 708 017
- LV: EUR 208 792 324
- LT: EUR 331 521 508 0
- LU: EUR 300 727 816
- HU: EUR 995 227 324
- MT: EUR 67 922 068
- NL: EUR 3 640 553 274
- AT: EUR 2 454 409 510
- PL: EUR 3 378 422 359
- PT: EUR 1 690 419 065
- RO: EUR 1 406 625 953
- SI: EUR 441 346 690
- SK: EUR 772 424 596
- FI: EUR 1 938 479 958
- SE: EUR 1 825 801 533
- UK: EUR 10 407 900 050