present Preliminary Draft Amending Budget (PDAB) 8/2009.
No 8 for the year 2009 covers the following elements:
- bluetongue disease: an increase
of EUR 49 340 000 in commitment appropriations for budget item 17
04 01 01 Animal disease eradication and monitoring programmes and
monitoring of the physical conditions of animals that could pose a
public health risk linked to an external factor – New measures. This
increase is intended to strengthen the budget for the eradication of bluetongue
- supplementary high-flux reactor programmes: the creation of budget item 10 04 04 02 Operation of the
high-flux reactor (HFR) — Supplementary HFR programmes (2009 to 2011),
with a "p.m.". In this supplementary programme it is indicated
that the contribution will come from three participating Member States,
namely The Netherlands, France and Belgium, as the financial contributions
made to the general budget of the European Union by way of assigned
revenue. The Commission will not contribute to the operational cost of
the HFR with funds from its budget. However, the Commission needs to
create an "entry point" for this programme with a token entry
"p.m." on the new budget item 10 04 04 02 Operation of the
high-flux reactor (HFR) — Supplementary HFR programmes (2009 to 2011);
- Europol: the creation of budget
item 18 05 02 03 European Police Office – transition costs, to be endowed
with an amount of EUR 1 250 000 in commitment and payment
appropriations. The financing of these costs will have no impact on the
margin of heading 3a, since both commitment and payment appropriations
will be redeployed from article 18 05 09 Prevention of and fight against
- Eurojust: a reinforcement of the
Community subsidy to Eurojust by EUR 3 900 000, of which it is
proposed that EUR 1 600 000 be covered by assigned revenue stemming
from the recovery of the EUROJUST surplus for the financial year 2008.
Thus, the request for fresh commitment appropriations in this amending
budget amounts to EUR 2 300 000. The corresponding payment
appropriations will come from article 18 06 07 Civil Justice programme.
This will bring the Community subsidy for 2009 from EUR 22.5 million to
EUR 26.4 million. The proposed reinforcement is broken down by Title in
the proposal;
- OLAF: modifications to the establishment plan of OLAF, without
additional financial provisions.
The net
financial impact of this amending budget is EUR 51 640 000 in fresh
commitments, with no new request for payment appropriations.