PURPOSE : to harmonise the laws of the Member States relating to noise emissions by equipment for outdoor use.
COMMUNITY MEASURE : Directive 2000/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.
CONTENT : this Directive aims to harmonise the laws of the Member States relating to noise emission standards, conformity assessment procedures, marking, technical documentation and collection of data concerning the noise emission in the environment of equipment for use outdoors. It will also contribute to the smooth functioning of the internal market while protecting human health and well-being.
This Directive applies to equipment for use outdoors such as compressors, tower cranes, weilding generators, power generators, hand-held concrete breakers and picks, lawnmowers, hydraulic excavators, dozers, loaders, etc.
With regard to reducing noise levels, two stages are envisaged in order to allow manufacturers to adapt their equipment to the more demanding limits. The first stage shall take effect from 03/01/2002 and aims to progressively eliminate the noisiest pieces of equipment; four years later from 03/01/2006 the levels shall be adapted to technical progress (that is to say they will become stricter).
The Directive simplifies the conformity assessment procedures in providing three options:
1) internal control of production with assessment of technical documentation and periodical checking;
2) the unit verification procedure;
3) the full quality assurance procedure.
Member States shall appoint the bodies under their jurisdiction to carry out or supervise the conformity assessment procedures.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the collection of noise data shall be simplified due to the EC declaration of conformity for each type of equipment.
In addition, no later than 03/01/2005 and every four years thereafter, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report concerning the Commission's experiences in the implementation and administration of this Directive. No later that 03/07/2003 the Commission shall also submit a report concerning whether and to what extent technical progress allows a reduction of limit values for lawnmowers and lawn trimmers/lawn edge trimmers, and if appropriate, a proposal to amend this Directive.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 03.07.2000.
TRANSPOSITION AND DATE OF APPLICATION : 03/01/2001. Member States shall allow the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, to avail himself of the provisions of this Directive as from 03/07/2001.�