On 19 June 2009, the Commission forwarded to the Council preliminary draft amending budget (PDAB) No. 6/2009. This PDAB covers the revision of the forecast of traditional own resources (TOR, i.e. customs duties and sugar levies), VAT and GNI bases, the budgeting of the relevant UK corrections as well as their financing and the revision of financing of GNI reductions in favour of the Netherlands and Sweden in 2009.
The result is a change in the distribution between Member States of their own resources contributions to the EU budget.
On 13 July 2009, the Council established draft amending budget No. 6 for the financial year 2009, as submitted by the Commission in its preliminary draft amending budget No. 6 and as set out in the technical annex to the explanatory memorandum of this Council draft budget (see Council doc. 11888/09 ADD 1).