Amending budget 6/2009: revision of forecasts of TOR, VAT and GNI bases; 2005 and 2008 UK corrections; financing of the gross reductions in GNI payments of Sweden and the Netherlands in 2009


The Committee on Budgets unanimously adopted the report drawn up by Jutta HAUG (SD, DE) approving unamended draft amending budget No 6/2009.

The committee recalls that the sole purpose of this draft amending budget is to incorporate formally the following technical adjustments into the 2009 budget:

  • the revision of the forecast of traditional own resources as well as the Value-added Tax (VAT) and Gross National Income (GNI) bases;
  • the budgeting of the relevant UK corrections as well as their financing;
  • the revision of financing of GNI reductions in favour of the Netherlands and Sweden in 2009.