Amending budget 8/2009: bluetongue, High Flux Reactor, Europol, Eurojust, OLAF


The Committee on Budgets adopted the report drawn up by Jutta HAUG (S-D, DE) on Draft amending budget No 8/2009 of the European Union for the financial year 2009.

The committee recalls that the draft amending budget No 8 covers:

  • an increase in commitment appropriations for animal disease eradication and monitoring programmes and monitoring of the physical conditions of animals that could pose a public health risk linked to an external factor,
  • the creation of a budget item "Operation of the high-flux reactor (HFR) Supplementary HFR programmes",
  • the creation of a budget item European Police Office – transition costs,
  • a reinforcement of the Community subsidy to EUROJUST,
  • modifications to the establishment plan of OLAF.

MEPs approved, unamended, the draft amending budget No 8/2009, taking into account the results of the interinstitutional trilogue held on 1st September according to the provisions of point 47 of the IIA, namely on the financing of the integration of EUROPOL in the EU Budget.

This trialogue concluded that, on the basis of the information transmitted by the Commission in its financial programming, the European Parliament and the Council note that the financing of Europol as a Community agency can be secured within the agreed expenditure ceiling of sub-heading 3a of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for the period 2007-2013. The annual amount will be decided in the framework of each annual budgetary procedure. Moreover, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council accept the transition costs of EUR 1.250 million in the year 2009, covered by redeployments within sub-heading 3a of the MFF 2007-2013.

The European Parliament and the Council ask the Commission to present as quickly as possible draft common guidelines to implement Point 47 of the IIA (according to which the two arms of the budget authority should agree to the financing of a Community agency, on the basis of information from the Commission on the budget implications of this funding under the corresponding heading of the Union’s budget).