After a presentation by the Commission, ministers exchanged views on the actions taken in the area of illegal immigration since the European Council adopted its conclusions on 18/19 June 2009 (document 11225/09).
The European Council conclusions identified a number of concrete measures on which the Council and the Commission were asked to take work forward. These include:
· the development of a pilot project providing for the voluntary reallocation of beneficiaries of international protection present in Malta,
· the rapid establishment of the European Asylum Support Office,
· the intensification of work with countries of origin and transit with respect to illegal immigrants.
Regarding Frontex, the Council discussed possible next steps on how to reinforce Frontex actions, especially in regard to the Mediterranean.
Among the possible measures discussed were:
· Frontex partnerships with third countries of transit and of origin based on reciprocal requirements and operational support,
· tighter checks at the external maritime borders,
· systematic involvement of Frontex in joint return flights,
· the establishment of regional specialized Frontex offices.