2008 discharge: European Network and Information Security Agency ENISA


PURPOSE: presentation of the final accounts of the European Network and Information Security Agency for the financial year 2008 (ENISA).

CONTENT: this document sets out a detailed account of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for 2008. It indicates that the Agency’s final budget amounted to EUR 8.4 million (compared to EUR 8.3 million the previous year).

As regards the staffing policy, the Agency set out 44 posts in the establishment plan. 39 posts are currently occupied + 19 other posts (contract agents, seconded national experts, trainees) totalling 58 posts assigned to operational and administrative tasks.

In 2008, the Agency carried out the following tasks:

Improving resilience in European e-Communication networks

  • stock taking of Member States policies and analysis of findings;
  • good practice guidelines;
  • stocktaking of providers measure, technologies and standards that enhance the resilience of public communication;
  • analysis of resilience features of public communication and Deployment Scenarios.

Developing and maintaining co operation between Member States

  • developing cooperation models through community building, conferences, etc.;
  • establishing a co-operation platform for the awareness raising community;
  • good practice sharing for CERT communities;
  • supporting the take up of interoperable eIDs;
  • facilitating Network Information Security brokerage.

Identifying emerging risks for creating trust and confidence

  • developing a framework to enable decision makers to better assess emerging risks arising from new technologies;
  • creating a European capacity for the evaluation of emerging risks;
  • supporting multi-stakeholder dialogue with public and private sector decision makers;
  • drafting position papers on emerging risks arising from new technologies.

Building information confidence with micro enterprises

  • analysing micro enterprises needs;
  • piloting ENISA’s risk assessment on micro enterprises.

Requests for assistance: responses to five requests for assistance (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, European Parliament).

The complete version of the final accounts may be found at the following address: http://www.enisa.europa.eu/about-enisa/accounting-finance