Amending budget 6/2009: revision of forecasts of TOR, VAT and GNI bases; 2005 and 2008 UK corrections; financing of the gross reductions in GNI payments of Sweden and the Netherlands in 2009


PURPOSE: final adoption of amending budget 6/2009.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: 2009/801/EC, Euratom.

CONTENT: the European Parliament has adopted amending budget No 6 to the European Union for the financial year 2006 in accordance with its resolution of 15 September (please refer to the summary of the resolution).

This amending budget covers:

  • the revision of the forecast of Traditional Own Resources (TOR, i.e. customs duties and sugar levies), VAT and GNI bases,
  • the budgeting of the relevant UK corrections as well as their financing,
  • the revision of financing of GNI reductions in favour of the Netherlands and Sweden in 2009.