Resolution on the situation in Yemen


The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Yemen.

The resolution had been tabled by the EFD, S&D, EPP, ALDE, ECR and Greens/ALE, groups.

Parliament expresses its deep concern at the long-standing and worsening security, political and socio-economic problems in Yemen. It calls for major efforts by the international community to prevent the escalation of the current crisis and move towards the goal of a unified, stable and democratic Yemen. It reiterates its call for an immediate ceasefire in Sa'dah and for a halt to the violence in southern Yemen and expresses its view that only a comprehensive political solution can bring lasting peace.

Parliament calls on the Council and the Commission, and, after its establishment, the European External Action Service, to implement a coordinated EU approach towards Yemen, in order to avoid duplication among Member States' development aid. EU coordination is vital in order to achieve global donor coordination in Yemen, which is severely lacking.

Convinced that that security and stability in Yemen can only be achieved by means of political and socio-economic reforms, Members call on the Yemeni Government to:

·        step up the national political and economic reform process with the aim of deepening democracy and improving people's living conditions;

·        implement reforms in order to improve the human rights situation, in particular by guaranteeing media freedom, the right to a fair trial and equal treatment for men and women;

·        refrain from discrimination against any ethnic or religious groups and to take account of the common interest of all its citizens;

·        ensure an independent judiciary with the resources and competence to address accountability for human rights violations;

·        ensure that impartial humanitarian agencies have access to all places of detention in Yemen and end the use of private or unauthorised detention sites;

·        step up their efforts to ensure the release of the six European hostages being held on their territory (five Germans and one Briton).

Parliament emphasises the importance of holding elections in 2011 and encourages all political parties to improve the electoral system, taking into account the recommendations made by the EU Election Observation Mission following the democratic 2006 presidential and local elections. The Commission and the Council, in close cooperation with Parliament, should monitor the process of constitutional and electoral law reform which has led to the postponement of the parliamentary elections.

The resolution calls on the Council and Commission:

·        to provide increased development assistance to Yemen with the aim of stabilising the political situation and improving the economic situation and the living conditions of the people in the country;

·        to give consideration to exceptional assistance measures in the context of the Stability Instrument and a specific programme to enhance education under the Development Cooperation Instrument. The  Yemeni Government is asked to ensure enhanced aid effectiveness;

·        to ensure that the aid supplied by the international community, and in particular from the EU's budget, is used to support projects which directly benefit as many people as possible and whose effectiveness can be evaluated on the spot;

·        to implement a special programme of assistance for Yemen, involving training for Yemeni officials based on EUJUST LEX experiences and the placement of trainers in Yemeni administrations;

·        to assist the US and Yemen in repatriating or resettling Yemenis held without charge at Guantanamo, including the 40 Yemenis that the US Administration has already cleared for release;

·        to keep Parliament fully informed of all developments, as provided for by Article 218 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.