Resolution on the escalation of violence in Mexico


The European Parliament adopted by 57 votes to 2 with 3 abstentions a resolution on the escalation of violence in Mexico.

The resolution was tabled by S&D, ALDE, ECR, EPP and Greens/EFA groups.

It notes that Mexico is suffering from an escalation of violence due mainly to drug trafficking particularly in the frontier region with the United States, as a result, primarily, of fighting between criminal gangs for control of the drug supply to the enormous market represented by the United States, and secondly as the result of the impact of the Mexican Government's offensive to tackle this situation. Parliament shares the Mexican authorities" concern at the escalation of violence in the country, and stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Mexican people in the fight against drug trafficking. It supports the Mexican Government in its determination to combat organised drug trafficking. It also condemns all forms of violence, in particular the violence and persistent death threats to which activists engaged in defending human rights in Mexico are subjected. It wants the Mexican authorities to step up efforts to provide legal and personal protection to such groups and calls, furthermore, on the EU to apply the guidelines on the protection of human rights defenders in an effective manner.

The resolution calls on Member States, in their bilateral relations with Mexico, and on the European institutions to step up the support they provide for human rights through cooperation programmes and financial and technical resources. It calls on them also to increase the budgetary resources allocated to cooperation in strengthening and reforming the judiciary, law enforcement agencies and prosecution services, with a view to prosecuting and punishing offenders, and to set up effective systems for protecting witnesses and victims and their families.

Parliament urges that the Strategic Partnership (see COM(2008)0447) be seen as an opportunity to discuss how to enhance the effectiveness of the human rights and democracy clause in all the agreements between the two parties and assess compliance with that clause, including through the development of its positive dimension, given that human rights and democracy are fundamental values. Furthermore, since frustration felt by young people is considered to be one of the main factors behind the violence; Parliament believes that EU cooperation on social cohesion needs to be stepped up; and it calls on the Mexican authorities to bring the necessary resources to bear in helping young people to take their place in society. Members call on the Commission and the Mexican Government to ensure that, during the mid-term review (2007-2013) of the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), security, better governance and stronger institutions are made a priority under focal sector 1 (Social Cohesion).

They go on to urge the Mexican authorities to continue their efforts to strengthen state institutions, particularly for the benefit of women, who are suffering most severely from the violence. They consider that it is the government's responsibility to combat "feminicide" and ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes are brought to justice, with effective action to be taken with a view to preventing such crimes from being committed. Parliament condemns the violence against and murders of media workers, welcomes the Mexican authorities’ adoption of legislative and institutional measures geared to upholding journalists’ freedom of expression and ensuring their safety. Members recommend that the Mexican Government continue with its efforts to consolidate the rule of law, with a view to tackling some of the structural problems that are at the root of the human rights violations, specifically with reference to reform of the judicial system, and it highlights the importance of an independent judiciary which stands as a guarantee of impartiality and resolute action to combat impunity.