PURPOSE: presentation of the draft amending budget No 2 to the general budget 2010 with a view to providing additional financial resources to the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions to finance the consequences of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
CONTENT: Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 2 for the year 2010 covers the following elements:
The net financial impact of this amending budget is EUR 10.5 million in additional commitments and payments appropriations under heading 5 of the multiannual financial framework.
Impact related to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty: during the 2010 budget procedure, it was agreed that priority for the use of the available margin of heading 5 would be given to financing additional expenditure directly stemming from the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community. This implied that the corresponding additional expenditure would have to be dealt with, if necessary, through an amending budget after the adoption of the original 2010 budget. It was emphasised that, in such a case and to the fullest possible extent, reorganisation of existing resources should be fully examined before any call for additional resources was made.
1) European Economic and Social Committee: the EESC has undertaken detailed analyses of the implications and consequences of the full implementation of the Lisbon Treaty. In undertaking these analyses and discussions, the Committee has in particular considered:
As a result of its reflections and calculations, the Committee requests following additional resources to fully implement the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty: EUR 4.14 million over a period of 6 months, including 22 new posts (14 AD5, 6 AD9, and 2 AST3). In addition, the EESC requests the conversion of 3 AST into 3 AD posts without requiring additional appropriations for the requested conversions.
2) Committee of the Regions: the increase in competences attributed by the Lisbon Treaty to the Committee of Regions (CoR) implies a substantial increase in its activities and its workload:
A proper implementation of these new competences and tasks implies a significant increase in the activities of the CoR. To manage this increase using only existing resources would require a significant reallocation of these resources plus the setting of negative priorities. To fulfil properly the extended tasks and responsibilities, additional financial and human resources are required. It is estimated an additional EUR 6.4 million (an increase of 8% on the current 2010 budget) and 37 new additional posts including 6 temporary posts for the secretariats of the political groups and the President's Cabinet will be required.
The BEREC Office:for 2010, the budgetary authority allocated an amount of EUR 3.47 million for the Office providing professional and administrative support services to BEREC. Given the uncertainty surrounding the legal basis when presenting the Preliminary Draft Budget 2010, and pending agreement with the European regulators, the establishment plan adopted in the final 2010 budget only included the total number of staff by function groups but no breakdown by grades. To enable the Commission to set up the BEREC Office and hire the staff necessary to support its work, it is therefore necessary to amend the 2010 establishment plan in order to include the detailed establishment plan by grades, and allow the BEREC Office to fulfil all the conditions to become autonomous and carry out its mission in accordance with the adopted legal basis. The proposed modification does not require any additional spending, as the corresponding administrative appropriations have already been authorised in the 2010 budget. It does not change the total number of staff for each function group.
Conclusion: in total, an additional amount of EUR 10 530 924 is requested from the budgetary authority and shall be added to heading 5 of the 2010.