The Spanish Presidency adopted conclusions on the interconnection of business registers.
- the Council considers that any network of business registers should provide citizens, businesses and public authorities with business information from companies that is reliable in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2009/101/EC and up-to-date. The data transmitted through the network should be based on a common minimum list of documents and particulars, and be technically standardised;
- it also considers that in order to strengthen confidence in the markets and to contribute to legal certainty, there is a need for an improved network of business registers that covers all 27 Members States;
- the Council welcomes the Green Paper on the interconnection of business registers which aimed to facilitate a general agreement on measures that would ensure easy access to information in business registers and direct communication among those registers across the European Union;
- the Council stresses that any future legislative proposals in this area should respect the principles of better regulation. They should be based on national registration and on their disclosure formalities and effects, including rules on data protection, avoid any increase in the administrative burdens on businesses, and be substantiated by a detailed impact assessment, including a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed measures;
- the Council invites the Commission to move forward in keeping to the following guidelines: