The Council was briefed on the two following proposals in the light of the adaptation to the Lisbon Treaty:
These proposals also contain a number of simplification provisions, which follow up on the assessment by the Commission services of the 39 simplification proposals presented by Member States in 2009.
Many delegations expressed the view that alignment of agricultural legislation with the Lisbon Treaty was a complex issue, which required further clarification by the Commission and an in-depth analysis by Member States' experts. As regards the proposed simplification provisions, those were generally welcomed. Several delegations, however, were disappointed that the proposals did not go far enough. They reiterated suggestions for further simplification and urged the Commission to continue its efforts.
These Commission proposals intend to reshape Commission implementing powers in CAP-related legislation and bring them into line with the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty (49 basic acts are concerned). The proposed amendments classify the Commission's existing powers as either delegated or implementing powers.
As regards simplification, the proposal amending regulation (EC) n° 1698/2005 includes provisions seeking to reduce the number of summary reports from Member States, more targeted use of advisory services, the alignment of non-compliance rules for cross-compliance with those in Regulation 73/2009 and the extension of provisions on support for producer groups to the 'old' Member States.
These proposals will be examined by the Council preparatory bodies.