Resolution on the Communication from the Commission on the Commission Work Programme 2011


The Council took note of the presentation by the Commission of its work programme for 2011.

This Work Programme is built on the five main political priorities for the EU set out by President Barroso in the first State of the Union Address, delivered before the European Parliament in September 2010:

(1) Dealing with the economic crisis and building the momentum of the recovery

  • Strengthening economic governance and initiating the European Semester: the Commission has recently tabled a significant package of proposals to strengthen the tools of economic governance and extend them to include the coordination of economic and fiscal policies. To maintain the momentum, the Commission calls upon co-EU legislators to advance quickly in their political deliberations;
  • Financial regulation: completing the reform: a comprehensive timeline for delivery of proposals to complete the EU's financial reform was presented in June 2010. Early in 2011, the Commission will table the remaining proposals to complete the financial sector reform. A joint goal of the European institutions should be to have the full reform agreed by the end of 2011, thus putting in place an advanced system of financial regulation.

(2) Restoring growth for jobs by accelerating the Europe 2020 reform agenda

  • Smart growth: during 2011, the concrete proposals announced in the flagships will be rolled out and implemented through complementary action at European and national level;
  • Sustainable growth:the Commission will set out its vision for “Resource efficiency" as a flagship initiative in 2011. This will break new ground in terms of integrated policy making at EU level. The aim will be to build progressively a framework based on resource efficiency to include the shift to a low-carbon society and which sets sectoral policies including energy, transport and the management of natural resources such as agriculture and fisheries within a long-term sustainable framework. A particular focus in 2011 will be on energy infrastructure and efficiency, which have immediate environmental, economic and energy security benefits, including huge job-creating potential. The White Paper on the future of transport policy will examine the completion of the European transport area to provide an efficient, seamless infrastructure around a core network, building on innovation to achieve low-carbon transport.During 2011 the Commission will continue to work to combat climate change;
  • Inclusive growth: before the end of 2010 the Commission will publish its fifth cohesion report and propose two more Europe 2020 flagships – on "New Skills and Jobs" and "a Platform against Poverty".  A number of concrete measures designed to promote inclusive growth will be set out in 2011;
  • Tapping the potential of the Single Market for growth: the Commission will continue to open up market access for our companies, in particular small and medium sized enterprises. An important aspect will be the presentation in 2011 of proposals for the modernisation of public procurement rules and the establishment of common rules concerning concession contracts. Other concrete initiatives targeted at SMEs during 2011 will include a regulation on the management of cross-border debt recovery. In the area of taxation, a proposal for a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax base (CCCTB) will aim to open the possibility for companies to opt for a system to make tax rules simpler.

(3) Building an area of freedom, justice and security: as part of its efforts at strengthening citizens' rights in 2011, the Commission will propose:

  • a legal instrument on European Contract Law;
  • a Directive on the rights of victims of crime;
  • drafting legislative proposals for introducing minimum standards for procedural in criminal proceedings, notably in the field of legal assistance and legal aid;
  • drafting legislative proposals for a Registered Travellers Programme and an Entry/Exit System for third country nationals;
  • a framework on the confiscation and recovery of illicit assets and Communications on a comprehensive policy against corruption and anti-fraud strategy;
  • a revision of the civil protection legislation.

(4) Launching negotiations for a modern EU budget: Europe as a whole is experiencing a period of austerity in public finances. The EU budget must be targeted to policies and areas where it can make a real difference, supporting medium and long term investment, and bring real added value in support of the Union's policy objectives – most obviously the EU budget should be one of the key tools to deliver Europe 2020. It must also be delivered in ways which maximise its impact.

In June 2011, the Commission will present its formal proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), covering both expenditure and the financing of the budget. On the spending side, the proposal will set out how and where the Commission believes it can use the budget to deliver EU policies most effectively. On the financing side, the Commission will make a proposal for a new own resources decision. In the coming months the Commission will issue a number of Communications and reports on key policy areas, in particular the reform of the common agricultural policy, of the common fisheries and the future of cohesion policy, which will also serve as the policy basis for the budgetary proposals of the MFF. The Commission will present detailed legal proposals for the specific financial instruments and programmes that should implement the new MFF.

(5) Pulling the EU's weight on the global stage: the Commission will continue to support the new European External Action Service and help to develop a new phase in external policies. The EU has already focused on the need to have a clear vision for our relations with strategic partners, as well as a strong and consistent position in international negotiations.

  • A comprehensive trade policy: the Commission will pursue ongoing negotiations with its trading partners, including through driving forward the several major bilateral agreements planned for conclusion in 2011 and keeping up the pressure for a breakthrough in WTO negotiations. The Commission will present in 2011 a legislative proposal for an EU instrument to improve access to public procurement markets in developed and large emerging economies, building on the implementation of international commitments. It will make a legislative proposal for a new Regulation on the Generalised System of Preference;
  • EU enlargement, neighbourhood, development policies and humanitarian aid: in 2011, the EU will continue to steer the enlargement process. The Commission will continue to help to deepen the EU's special relationship with these neighbours, including by carrying out a review of the EU's neighbourhood policy leading to proposals in 2011 for its further development in its bilateral and multilateral (Eastern Partnership, Union for the Mediterranean) dimensions. It will present a proposal for a Revision of Council Regulation concerning humanitarian aid.