The European Parliament adopted by 585 votes to 40, with 51 abstentions, a resolution on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2009) – effective implementation after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon.
The new post-Lisbon fundamental-rights architecture: Parliament stresses that the effective protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms constitutes the core of democracy and the rule of law in the EU and an essential condition of the consolidation of the European area of freedom, security and justice and that it requires actions at various levels (international, European, national, regional and local level). It stresses, moreover, the role that regional and local authorities can play in the concrete implementation and in the promotion of such rights and calls on all EU institutions, Member States’ governments and parliaments to build on the new institutional and legal framework created by the Treaty of Lisbon to devise a comprehensive internal human rights policy for the Union.
Parliament recalls that the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon created a new situation in the EU in the field of human rights by making the Charter of Fundamental Rights (‘the Charter’) legally binding, thus transforming basic values into concrete rights. In this context, it indicates that a genuine culture of fundamental rights must be developed, promoted and reinforced in both the EU institutions and the Member States, which is why there is a need for a new fundamental rights architecture.
Reaffirming that the Charter has the same legal value as the Treaties, offering a good balance between rights and solidarity and encompassing civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as well as ‘third generation’ rights (i.e. the rights to good administration, freedom of information, a healthy environment and consumer protection), Members consider that the EU should develop a regulatory framework to protect against fundamental rights abuses, in particular by businesses, and define the scope of the new architecture for fundamental rights as follows:
The most pressing challenges of the new era: Parliament underlines that the new architecture will be measured on how effectively the most pressing issues and the most recurrent infringements are handled by the institutions responsible, both in the Member States and at EU. In this context, it recalls the main problems which require urgent concrete steps, that have been the subject of Parliament’s resolutions and debates on fundamental rights question, such as:
Institutions implementing the new fundamental-rights architecture: Parliament calls for improved interinstitutional cooperation with a view to better monitoring the human rights situation in the EU. Noting the creation of a new ‘Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship’ portfolio within the Commission, Members consider that such a division between justice and security should not reinforce the misconceived dichotomy between the need to protect the human rights of all people and the need to guarantee their security. The new Commissioner should pay particular attention to EU policies on fighting irregular migration and terrorism.
The resolution calls on the Commission to make 2013 the European Year of Citizenship in order to give momentum to the debate on European citizenship. Parliament awaits concrete actions by the new Commissioner responsible, such as the introduction of a fundamental-rights impact assessment of all new legislative proposals or the application of a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on violations of the Charter. The latter would also involve the conduct of in-depth investigations and initiating infringement procedures when Member States are in breach of their human rights obligations.
Members call on the Commission:
The Council is called upon to adapt to the changes required by the Treaty and to comply with the Charter when legislating. Members welcome the establishment of the Council’s standing Working Party on Fundamental Rights. This new body shall have a broad mandate to include issues in relation to fundamental rights with EU and Member States relevance and provide a forum for a Council exchange of views on internal human rights matters, and for the work of this new body to be transparent and efficient, also in relation to the European Parliament.
As for the Parliament, Members call for: (i) respect of its right to democratic scrutiny based on the treaties; (ii) the necessity of enhancing transparency and access to documents between EU institutions; (iii) a better follow up its resolutions related to fundamental rights in the EU; (iv) its right to be immediately and fully informed at all stages of the procedure for concluding international agreements between the Union and third countries or international organisations.
Members call on all European institutions and agencies to uphold their commitment to the protection of fundamental rights and to integrate a fundamental-rights approach into all their activities.
The resolution underlines the fact that the EU and the Member States share obligations in the field of the implementation and/or enforcement of human and fundamental rights, in their respective spheres of responsibility, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, and that this shared responsibility and competence represents both an opportunity and an obligation on the part of the Member States and of EU institutions. It highlights the enhanced role of the national parliaments provided by the Treaty of Lisbon and supports the establishment of a formal ongoing dialogue between the European Parliament and national parliaments.
Parliament believes that EU action should not only address violations of fundamental rights after they have happened, but should also seek to prevent them. It consequently calls for a reflection on mechanisms for early detection of potential violations of fundamental rights in the EU and in its Member States, temporary freezing of the measures which constitute such violations, accelerated legal procedures for determining if a measure is contrary to EU fundamental rights and for sanctions in the event that these measures are nonetheless implemented contrary to EU law. The EU institutions and the Member States are asked to redouble their efforts aimed at properly informing and raising the awareness of the public, as fundamental rights can be protected more effectively if individuals themselves are aware of their rights and the mechanisms available to protect them.
Cooperation with international organisations in the new fundamental-rights architecture: Parliament suggests that ways be found for EU institutions and agencies to cooperate better with international organisations committed to the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. It calls on the EU institutions to exploit the full potential of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Council of Europe and the EU, in the interests of greater synergy and consistency at European level, thus avoiding duplication of work. The resolution also calls on the EU Member States to sign up to, and ratify, the core Council of Europe and United Nations human-rights conventions and the additional optional protocols.