LEGISLATIVE ACT: Commission Regulation 22/44/2003/EC laying down detailed provisions regarding satellite-based Vessel Monitoring Systems.
CONTENT: This Regulation lays down the detailed implementing provisions regarding satellite-based Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS), provided for in Regulation 2371/2002/EC:
- Fishing vessels are prohibited from engaging in activities within the scope of the Common Fisheries Policy, unless they have installed on board a functioning system which allows detection and identification of the vessel by remote monitoring systems;
- from 1 January 2004, all fishing vessels exceeding 18 metres length overall, and as from 1 January 2005, all fishing vessels exceeding 15 metres length overall, should be subject to a satellite-based Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).
- Fishing vessels which operate exclusively inside the baselines of Member States should not be subject to that obligation since the impact of their activity on resources is insignificant.
- Member States are to set up the administrative and technical structure necessary for ensuring effective control, inspection and enforcement, including satellite based monitoring systems;
- Stricter VMS provisions create the potential to enhance significantly the efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring, control and surveillance operations both at sea and on land.
- It is appropriate to establish a transitional period for the application of the provisions referring to the communication of the speed and course of the fishing vessel subject to certain conditions.
- The VMS should apply in a similar way to Community fishing vessels and fishing vessels of third countries operating in Community waters.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 27/12/2003. The Regulation is applicable from 01/01/2004.