The European Parliament adopted a resolution tabled by the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the ban of the elections for the Tibetan government in exile in Nepal.
The resolution was tabled by the ALDE, ECR, EPP, Greens/ALE, and S&D groups and Fiorello Provera (EFD).
Parliament calls on the Government of Nepal to uphold the democratic rights of the Tibetan people, who are conducting a unique internal election process which has existed since 1960, to organise and to participate in democratic elections. It notes that more than 82 000 exiled Tibetans across the world were invited to vote on 20 March 2011 to elect the new Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister) of the Tibetan government in exile, but that several thousand Tibetans in Nepal did not get permission to vote from the Nepalese authorities in Kathmandu, under increasing pressure from the Chinese Government. Members urge the Nepali authorities to respect the rights of Tibetans in Nepal to freedom of expression, assembly and association as guaranteed for all persons in Nepal by international human rights conventions to which Nepal is a party. They also note that the overall situation of many refugees in Nepal, in particular the Tibetans, gives cause for concern.
Parliament calls on the European External Action Service through its delegation in Kathmandu to monitor closely the political situation in Nepal, especially the treatment of the Tibetan refugees and respect for their constitutionally and internationally enshrined rights. It urges the EU High Representative to address concerns about the actions taken by the Nepalese Government to block the Tibetan elections, with the Nepalese and Chinese authorities.
The resolution calls on the Nepali authorities to:
Lastly, Parliament considers that the continuation of the full implementation of the ‘Gentlemen's Agreement’ on the Tibetan refugees by the Nepali authorities is essential for maintaining contact between the UNHCR and Tibetan communities.