EU/Georgia Agreement: common aviation area


PURPOSE: the conclusion of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part.

PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the Council and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the EU meeting within the Council.

BACKGROUND: the Commission has negotiated on behalf of the Union and its Member States the Common Aviation Area Agreement with Georgia. The agreement was signed on 2 December 2010 in accordance with Decision 2011/50/EU of the Council and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the EU meeting within the Council of 15 October 2010.

It is therefore appropriate now to conclude the agreement on behalf of the EU.

IMPACT ASSESSMENT: no impact assessment was undertaken.

LEGAL BASIS: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), in conjunction with Article 218(6)(a)(v) and Article 218(8), first subparagraph thereof.

CONTENT: with this proposal, it is envisaged to approve the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part.

The text of the agreement is attached to the proposed Decision.

This proposed agreement also lays down procedural arrangements for deciding, if appropriate, how to terminate the Agreement and for the participation of the Union and the Member States in the Joint Committee set up under the Agreement. It also covers the dispute settlement procedures and procedures for implementing certain provisions of the Agreement concerning security and safety.

For further information regarding the content of this agreement, please refer to the summary of the previous initial legislative document dated 28/06/2010.

It should be noted that for the agreement to enter into force, each Member State has to ratify it at national level. Once the ratification procedures have been completed, each Member State is required to notify the Secretariat-General of the Council.

BUDGETARY IMPACT: the proposal has no impact on the EU’s budget.