General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM): fishing in the GFCM Agreement Area


The Commission considers that the Council position is far from its initial proposal on the issue of delegated acts. It agrees that the transposition of new GFCM recommendations should be subject to the ordinary legislative procedure but it has always taken the position that the Commission should be vested with delegated powers to transpose into EU law at least amendments to all existing measures.

The Commission expresses concern that the limited powers delegated to it by the co-legislators may affect the EU's ability to ensure the timely transposition in EU law of measures taken by the GFCM in the future that revise or update the international conservation and management measures of this organisation.

The Commission therefore may propose amendments to the Regulation increasing the number of measures which should be adopted by delegated acts in case the transposition through the ordinary legislative procedure leads to delays which would jeopardise the EU's ability to comply with its international obligations.

In order to avoid further delays in the transposition of binding GFCM measures into EU law that would result from a long second reading, the Council position can be supported.