EC/Cape Verde Fisheries Partnership Agreement: fishing opportunities and financial contribution from 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2014. Protocol


PURPOSE: to conclude a new Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Cape Verde.

NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision 2011/679/EU on the conclusion of the Protocol agreed between the European Union and the Republic of Cape Verde setting out the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the two parties currently in force.

BACKGROUND: the Union negotiated a new protocol providing EU vessels with fishing opportunities in the waters in which Cape Verde has sovereignty or jurisdiction as regards fishing. At the end of the negotiations, the new protocol was initialled on 22 December 2010.

That new Protocol was signed in accordance with Council Decision 2011/405/EU and will be provisionally applied as from 1 September 2011.

The Protocol should be concluded on behalf of the Union.

CONTENT: with this Decision, the protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Cape Verde is approved by the Union.

The new protocol contains the following provisions:

Sustainable fishing: the objective is to continue the cooperation between the European Union and the Republic of Cape Verde to create a partnership framework within which to develop a sustainable fisheries policy and to ensure the sound exploitation of fisheries resources in the Cape Verde fishing zone, which is in the interests of both Parties.

The new protocol provides for, in particular:

Financial contribution: the overall annual contribution of the Protocol of EUR 1 305 000 over the whole period is based on:

·         an annual reference tonnage fixed at 5 000 tonnes for 74 vessels, corresponding to EUR 325 000 per year, and

·         support for the development of the sectoral fisheries policy of the Republic of Cape Verde amounting to EUR 110 000 per year.

Fishing opportunities:

·         28 tuna seiners,

·         35 surface longliners and

·         11 pole-and-line vessels will be authorised to fish.

Duration of the agreement: the protocol shall be valid for a period of 3 years from 1 September 2011.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: the decision enters into force on 14 November 2011. The date of the entry into force of the protocol shall be published in the Official Journal of the EU.