PURPOSE: to establish rules and procedures concerning the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at Union airports.
PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
BACKGROUND: a large number of EU citizens are exposed to high noise levels which may lead to negative health effects. An active noise management strategy is therefore necessary to mitigate the undesired effects. Such noise strategy must, however, carefully balance the interests of the affected citizens with other interests and take due account of the knock-on effects on the capacity of the whole aviation network. The process leading to a decision on noise-related operating restrictions should be consistent, evidence-based and robust to be acceptable for all stakeholders.
In an effort to ensure a consistent approach to the application of noise abatement measures at airports, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) adopted a set of principles and guidance constituting the so-called "Balanced Approach" on noise management, which encourages ICAO Contracting States:
At ICAO level the EU actively supports the development of new noise standards for aircraft and invests in new technologies through Framework Programmes and the Clean Sky project. But land use planning, together with the associated insulation and compensation programmes, is a national or local competence.
This proposed regulation aims to apply noise-related operating restrictions of the Balanced Approach in the EU in a consistent manner by clarifying the different steps of the decision-making process when considering operating restrictions. Consistent application of the approach should identify the most cost-effective solutions, tailor made to the specific airport situation.
IMPACT ASSESSMENT: no impact assessment was undertaken.
LEGAL BASIS: Article 100 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
CONTENT: the proposed Regulation lays down rules on the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions in a consistent manner on an airport-by-airport basis so as to help improve the noise climate and to limit or reduce the number of people significantly affected by the harmful effects of aircraft noise, in accordance with the Balanced Approach. The objectives of the proposal are:
This Regulation shall apply to aircraft engaged in civil aviation. It shall not apply to aircraft engaged in military, customs, police, or similar services. The proposal introduces a new regulation to replace Directive 2002/30/EC. It clarifies and completes the requirements of that directive in relation to the following points:
BUDGETARY IMPACT: the proposal has no impact on the EUs budget.
DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.