Accession Treaty: accession of Croatia


The European Parliament adopted by 564 votes to 38, with 32 abstentions, a legislative resolution approving the draft Council Decision on the accession to the European Union of the Republic of Croatia.

The resolution recalls that the conditions for the admission of the applicant country and the modifications which its accession entails are set out in the draft Treaty concerning the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, and whereas Parliament should be consulted on any substantial modifications to the draft Treaty. Moreover, the Commission must monitor further preparations for accession with rigour and objectivity and help the Croatian authorities to fulfil their commitments and obligations as entered into in the negotiations. The Commission must keep Parliament regularly informed of the extent to which the Croatian authorities honour their commitments in order to fully assume their membership obligations upon accession on 1 July 2013.

In this regard, the European Parliament consents to the European Union of the Republic of Croatia.