Integrated maritime policy: programme to support the further development


PURPOSE: to establish a programme to support the further development on an Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP).

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation (EU) No 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Programme to support the further development of an Integrated Maritime Policy.

CONTENT: following a first-reading agreement reached with the European Parliament, the Council adopted a regulation establishing an EU programme to further promote the development and the implementation of the EU's integrated maritime policy. The Union's Integrated Maritime Policy shall foster coordinated and coherent decision-making to maximise the sustainable development, economic growth and social cohesion of Member States, in particular with regard to coastal, insular and outermost regions in the Union, as well as maritime sectors, through coherent maritime-related policies and relevant international cooperation.

General objectives of the programme: the programme, which will support the sustainable use of the seas and oceans, and the expansion of scientific knowledge, has the following general objectives:

  • to foster the development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs;
  • to contribute to develop synergies and to support sea or coast-related policies, particularly in the fields of economic development, employment, environmental protection, research, maritime safety, energy and the development of green maritime technologies;
  • to promote the protection of the marine environment, in particular its biodiversity, and the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources, in line with the "marine strategy framework directive" (2008/56/EC);
  • to support the development and implementation of sea-basin strategies;
  • to improve and enhance international cooperation;
  • to support economic growth, employment, innovation and new technologies in maritime sectors in the Union.

For each general objective, more detailed operational objectives are defined.

Financial envelope: the financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme shall be set at EUR 40 000 000 for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013. This amount shall be broken down as follows:

  • development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs and visibility of the IMP: at least 4%;
  • development of cross-sectoral tools: at least 60%;
  • protection of the marine environment and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources: at least 8%;
  • development and implementation of sea-basin strategies: at least 8%;
  • external cooperation and coordination of the international dimension of the IMP: maximum 1%;
  • sustainable economic growth, employment, innovation and new technologies: at least 4%.

Up to 1% of the financial envelope may also cover necessary expenditure relating to any preparatory action, monitoring, control, audit or evaluation directly necessary in order to implement eligible actions under this Regulation effectively and efficiently and to achieve its objectives.

Reporting, evaluation and extension: the Commission shall regularly and promptly inform the European Parliament and the Council about its work. It shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council: (a) a progress report no later than 31 December 2012; the progress report shall include an evaluation of the Programme's impact on other Union policies;

(b) an ex-post evaluation report no later than 31 December 2014. If appropriate, the Commission shall submit a legislative proposal on the extension of the Programme beyond 2013 with an appropriate financial envelope.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 06/12/2011.