European broadband: investing in digitally driven growth


In its Broadband Communication, the Commission stressed the importance of all Member States having an operational broadband plan with defined national targets aligned on European broadband targets, as well as a balanced set of policy measures to incentivise investment in fast and ultra-fast internet. This should be specifically based on thorough implementation of the EU regulatory framework for e-communications, consistent implementation of the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, adequate cost reduction measures and coherent application of the State Aid Broadband guidelines. In support of these plans, the Communication included a commitment to review national broadband plans as part of its Digital Agenda governance.

This paper examines the current state of play with respect to the implementation of national broadband plans in the EU-27 countries, Croatia, Norway and Switzerland. It attempts to foster the sharing of best practices with a view to providing further guidance to Member States on how to succeed in applying effective measures to achieve both national and Digital Agenda broadband targets. The paper:

·        looks at the targets set for national plans as well as institutional aspects;

·        assesses private and public broadband investment activities;

·        summarises national approaches to facilitating broadband investment;

·        explores national strategies to stimulate demand for broadband and digital services.

Lastly, the report draws conclusions and outlines the next steps.