The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs adopted the report by Sophie AUCONIE (EPP, FR) on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF).
The committee recommends that the European Parliaments position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure should be to amend the Commissions proposal. The amendments proposed are the result of discussions between members of the committee responsible and the representatives of the Member States. They relate in particular to the following points:
Purpose and scope: this Regulation applies to managers of collective investment undertakings that are established in the Union and that manage portfolios of EuSEFs whose assets under management in total:
EuSEF managers subject to authorisation under this Regulation may additionally manage UCITS subject to authorisation under Directive 2009/65/EC provided that they are external managers.
It is stipulated that the Regulation lays down uniform rules on the eligible instruments to be used by a EuSEF when making investments, which include equity and quasi equity instruments, debt instruments, including promissory notes and certificates of deposit, investments into other EuSEFs and short and medium-term loans, including shareholder loans and grants.
Conditions for the use of the designation European Social Enterpreneurship Fund: an amendment clarifies that EuSEF managers may borrow, issue debt obligations or provide guarantees, at the level of the EuSEF, provided that such borrowings, debt obligations or guarantees are covered by uncalled commitments and thus do not increase the exposure of the fund beyond its commitments.
As far as the EuSEF they manage is concerned, EuSEF managers shall:
Indicators: EuSEF managers shall employ for each EuSEF they manage procedures to measure and monitor through clear and comparable indicators the extent to which the qualifying portfolio undertakings, in which the EuSEF invests, achieve the positive social impact that they are committed to. The indicators shall include at least the following:
Own funds: at all times, EuSEF managers shall have sufficient own funds of at least equivalent to 25% of their previous years fixed overheads. Where a EuSEF has not completed a year of business following its establishment, the requirement shall be that the EuSEF has own funds of at least 25% of the fixed overheads projected in its business plan, unless an adjustment to that plan is required by the competent authorities.
Depositary: for each EuSEF it manages, the manager shall ensure that a single depositary is appointed. The depositary i) shall be an institution which is subject to prudential regulation and ongoing supervision; ii) shall be responsible for verifying ownership and maintaining a record of the assets of the qualifying EuSEF; and iii) shall be liable to the EuSEF and its investors for any loss suffered as a result of negligence or intentional failure.
Supervision and administrative cooperation: the competent authorities shall cooperate with ESMA for the purposes of this Regulation in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010. They shall provide ESMA, without delay, with all the information necessary to carry out its duties in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010. In particular, ESMA and the competent authorities shall exchange all information and documentation necessary to identify and remedy breaches to this Regulation.
In the event of disagreement between the competent authorities concerning the exercise of their respective duties under this Regulation, any of the authorities concerned may refer the matter for mediation by ESMA.
Review: at the latest, four years after the Regulations entry into force, the Commission shall review the Regulation and provide an analysis of, among other things, the following particular points: