Resolution on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan


The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan.

The resolution was tabled by the S&D, ALDE, EPP, ECR, GUE/NGL and Greens/EFA groups.

Members note the cross-border violence between Sudan and South Sudan, and the fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), which have made the conflict between Sudan and South Sudan into a fully fledged confrontation. They welcome the fact that Sudan and South Sudan have both agreed to the Roadmap endorsed in UN Security Council Resolution 2046 of 2 May 2012 and welcome also the resumption of direct negotiations in Addis Ababa, as well as the role of the African Union and the mediation of Mr Thabo Mbeki in this process. Parliament urges both parties to show their willingness to pursue the path of peace by addressing the security concerns of both sides through meaningful negotiations within the framework of the Joint Political and Security Mechanism, starting with the creation of a safe, demilitarised border zone and unconditional withdrawal of all their armed forces to their side of the border, in accordance with previously adopted agreements, including the Agreement on the Border Monitoring Support Mission of 30 July 2011. The resolution calls on the EU to continue to work closely with its international partners, in particular the AU and the UN, to ensure that Sudan and South Sudan implement the UN Security Council Resolution of 2 May 2012 on the Roadmap for Sudan and South Sudan.

Parliament strongly urges Sudan and South Sudan to reach an agreement on the unsolved transitional political and economic arrangements between the two countries, including on the use of oil. Members call for immediate activation of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM) through deployment of international observers and other personnel on the ground to monitor and help ensure compliance.

They are convinced that the long-term stability in the region requires a new, unified, comprehensive international strategy, in which the EU would play a role alongside other global and regional actors, which would focus not only on North-South issues and the situation in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, but also on the long-overdue reform process in Sudan and the deepening of democratic reforms in South Sudan. Accordingly Parliament calls on the HR/VP and the Commission to be ready to offer the necessary assistance if the ruling Sudan National Congress Party (NCP) accepts a free and unhindered national dialogue aimed at establishing inclusive constitutional arrangements accepted by all and takes genuine steps to end impunity in Darfur, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Members express deep concern at the humanitarian situation created by the fighting between Sudan and South Sudan, and the continued fighting in the states of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile in Sudan. They strongly condemns all acts of violence committed against civilians in violation of international humanitarian law and human rights law. Parliament calls on the Commission, the EU Member States and the international community to honour their funding commitments to the region, and in particular to address severe shortages of food aid, emergency shelter and protection. Close attention must be paid to the food security situation and for measures to be put in place should the situation worsen.

Parliament welcomes the UN Security Council decision to extend the mandate of UNMIS and to send additional peacekeeping forces to Sudan, and calls on both Sudan and South Sudan to welcome the UN presence and ensure its safety.

The resolution goes on to call on Sudan and South Sudan to:

  • implement pending aspects of the 20 June 2011 Agreement on Temporary Security and Administrative Arrangements for the Abyei area, in particular the redeployment of all Sudanese and South Sudanese forces out of the Abyei area. Parliament welcomes the withdrawal from Heglig of the army of South Sudan and calls on the Government of Sudan to do the same;
  • permit humanitarian access to the affected population in the areas of the conflict, particularly Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, ensuring the safe, unhindered and immediate access of United Nations and other humanitarian personnel, as well as the delivery of supplies and equipment;
  • stop inflammatory rhetoric and hostile propaganda, which result in mutual demonisation, xenophobia and the threat of violence;
  • use the services of the African Union Border Programme, which can assist the parties in resolving their concerns in the delineation, demarcation and resolution of disputed areas based on African best practices and international principles.